Sensual Sunday

I love doing themes!  Particularly those with alliteration – like Wonderful Word Wednesday.  It’s motivating and inspires me to push myself a bit.  I want to try Sensual Sunday posts.  Essentially, I’ll post about something sensual– that is to say, anything pleasurable.  Most will likely have an erotic bent to them.

Inaugural SS – enjoy.



The smell of coffee on a lazy morning.  I watch as he stands naked in the kitchen, making the brew.  Sunlight pours in the large window, highlighting hipbones, collarbones, knees and shoulders.  The soft down on the back of his neck, where it is warm and a good place to kiss, tickles my nose as I nuzzle, eyes closed.  He smells of spicy conditioner and cotton pillowcases.

He sets the heavy mug down, making a soft thud when it connects with the counter.  He turns and I can see he is ready to return to bed, not to sleep.  His hands hold my face as he bends to meet my mouth with his. We breathe each other in for a moment.  Without a word, his hand slides down my arm, clasps my hand and leads me to his bed.


1 thought on “Sensual Sunday

  1. Sensualism is something altogether different from eroticism. It’s true meaning is based on the theory of knowledge and the theory of WYSIATI (look up Daniel Kahneman) – what you see is all there is. Knowledge, the accumulation thereof, is based on what one sees, feels, touches. There must be a sense of ‘being’ for something to truly exist. Look up my wonderful blog entitled and you’ll get something of an idea of what I mean. A blog on the theory of knowledge is just around the corner.

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